Kaze Hikaru v27 ch 133

4th Month, 2nd year of Keio-Period (May 1866)

In Hiroshima, Chousuu with high morale and the scared Bakufu

There has been 2 months since the cold war situation.

Here in Shinsengumi Headquarter

Today, something is going to happen.

Itou : Hijikata. . .
You're hansome too this morning.


You haven't forgiven me, right.
5 days has past since my return after business from Hiroshima, but you don't even want to meet me in the eyes...
Your treatment to me who had left you for a long time. There're even 2 months if you added last year.
I think it's fair, if you felt hatred as the result of your love that's been too great. . .

Hijikata: I just don't want to accept the fact that you have returned just in 2 weeks.

Itou: Oww, You're just shy

Hijikata: Do you want to be killed? You stinking eyelashes!!

Kondou: Calm down, Toshi!!
(What do you mean by eyelashes?)

Itou: (like)

Souji: Aah. . .
Itou-Sanbou attacking, Hijikata-Fukuchou got emotional, then Kondo-Kokuchou breaking them up
It feels like each member has return to their original position. . .

Sei: Okita-sensei, please don't just smiling, stop them already.

Saito: Kamiya, you said so, but you're also smiling.

Sei: Saito-sensei

Nagakura: What else should we do instead of laughing?
(It's been a long time . . .)
Right, Kamiya?

Sei: Nagakura-sensei

Sano: Anyone want to bet that someday Hijikata-san would be defeated?

Toudou: Me, I want to bet.

Sei: Harada-sensei and Toudou-sensei, if Fukuchou heard that, you all would be killed!!

Inoue: What are you doing!
Morning assembly will begin soon!!

Sei: Inoue-sensei. . .
Let me call you a person with conscience (Ryoshin). . .

Souji: A ha ha
I think it should be grandpa, grandma, rather than old man (Ryoshin)!


Sei: To all first unit member, I felt sorry to you.

Member #1: What is this, in the morning...
Member #2: What happened Kamiya?
Member #3: What's wrong with that person again?

Hijikata: Okita!

Souji: Yes!

Sei: Ah
(Fukuchou called him "Okita" instead of "Souji")
(Because it's in front of the members?)
(It's likely so)

All of you gather in!

Sei: (Why Fukucho called Okita-sensei so)

Hijikata: Come here!

Sei: (I haven't heard it for a long time)

Souji: What happened, Fukuchou?

Hijikata: Stand beside me

Souji: ----

Kondou: That's it
I hope for your safety in duty!

Sei: Huh?
(Fukuchou's acting weird?)

Itou: Hijikata
Can I have a minute?

Hijikata: No

Itou: Why so cold?
I just want a chance to talk well with you, including the info that I got from the work travel this time.

Hijikata: I feel unwell . . .

Itou: Aww <3 Do you misunderstood, Hijikata?
I just want to talk about work only . . .

Souji: Umm, Sorry, Itou-sensei
Fukuchou is not joking.

Itou: I am too not joking around.

Souji: No, it's because . . .


[Hijikata's vomiting on Itou's clothes]

Itou : YUKS!!

Souji: I've told you already...

Sei: Fukucho! Are you alright?

Kondou: What's the matter, Toshi?

Hijikata: No
I'm alright already.
Sorry, Kamiya, please clean this up.

Souji. (Huh?)

Sei: Could it be?
Fukuchou did that intentionally to made Itou-sensei back away?
(It's a very disgusting trick!!)

Hijikata: If I had knew, it'd be this effective, I would have done it sooner.

Souji: Yes

Sei. (This time it's "Souji")

Hijikata: ----

Sei: (Fukuchou's returned to the usual)
(But, what is it...)
(This anxious feeling)

Kondou: Kamiya
Do you feel there's something weird with Toshi's condition?

Sei: Yes
Do you, Kokuchou, think so too?

Kondou: I thought he was sick.
Cause, lately, he seemed suffering . . .

Sei: Could be.
But Fukuchou is not that weak.

Kondou: No
In spite of his look, Toshi is not that strong.
Actually, he even had suffered from cronic disease and almost died . . .

Sei: Ah . . . !
A person who had been suffered from cronic disease will be stonger than anyone
My father told me so.

Kondo: Ah right, your father was a doctor.
Is that so . . . hopefully it is so in Toshi's case.
. . .
Could you please attend Fukuchou temporary?

Sei: EEH?!

Kondou: Is it that hard. . .

Sei: Even if my mouth was going to be ripped, I couldn't say "yes"!
(Impossible, Objection!)

Kondou: Moreover, it's like that.
Toshi is very appreciate your ability in that way.
I think that if you attend him, he'll understand.
If you're near him, I can also be assure with Toshi's condition.
And this is the chance for both of you to become familiar.
There is nothing that can make me happy more than this.
Can you help me, Kamiya?

Sei: Kokuchou . . .
It's an honour
For Kokuchou to talk to me like that.

Kondou: So?

Sei: If a person like me could be useful to you,
I'd gladly do it.

Kondou: Thank you, Kamiya!

Souji: Is it alright, Hijikata-san?

Hijikata: About what?

Souji: Huh?
When Itou-sensei asked, you pulled me fiercely.
But now, you're so cold.

Hijikata: Do not mention his name!

Souji: . . .
Today, troop's duty
I'll hand it over to the vice-captain.

Hijikata: Stop joking around
Just go away!

Souji: Why are you so stubborn?
I thought I have become a little bit reliable.
I even felt happy.

Hijikata: How impudent of you, small kid!
Don't say anything to Kondou-san!

Kondou: Toshi, are you there?
I want to talk.

Hijikata: Aaah!!
Kondou: Oh, you're here too, Souji.
What a coincidence
I want to ask Kamiya to attend you (Hijikata) starting from today.

Hijikata: Haa!?
I don't need an attendant!

This is my order as a leader, Toshi!
Because you're too tired, so use a little bit of Kamiya's help and relaxed a bit!

Souji:---- . . .

Sei: It'll become more bothersome, right.
I too agree.

Souji: No. . . It's a good idea, but . . .

Hijikata: Alright
I'll obey the leader's order.

Kondou: I'm glad, Toshi!
See, Kamiya
I've told you so!

Sei: Eh . . .
(Impossible! I thought it won't be accepted!)

Kondou: Toshi's expecting you, so accept it.

Sei: Haa . . .

Souji: Hijikata-san, are you serious?

Hijikata: It's better than making you skipping work.
Unexpectedly, that kid might be useful.

Souji: Hijikata-san?

Itou: From that beautiful lips,
A thing that dirty got out . . .

Utsumi: Naturally, he's human.
If he kiss with that mouth, he'll vomit with the same mouth.

Itou: Stop that Utsumi!
Don't compare my beautiful memory with Hijikata to that filthy thing!!!

Utsumi: Excuse me
I have a job in the 10th unit.

Itou: Leave it, accompany me for a while!
(We are from the same doujo!!)

Utsumi: Kashitaro, although the captain troop is very leniant, don't be unreasonable. . .

Itou: Who is captain of the 10th unit anyway?

Utsumi: Harada Sanosuke, from Shieikan

Itou: Aa..
Huh . . .?

Utsumi: You cannot remember a person that's not your type, huh?

Itou: How rude!
If it's needed, I'll remember even the smallest thing!

Utsumi: Absolutely right
The problem is in "deciding which one is important".

Itou: Why can't you sometimes talk sweetly?

Utsumi: regardless,
I'm glad the would didn't spread anywhere.

Itou: Utsumi . . .
(where do you look at?)

Utsumi: the trip this time
It seemed that you have encountered too many danger.
Itou: Fu fu h . . .
However bad your swearing is, I won't let you go.
It's because you have a good instinct, Utsumi.

Utsumi: That is my greatest "weakness".

Itou: You're not cute . . .

Sei: (At any rate, it's for Kokuchou!!)
(In short, Okita-sensei would also be glad with this thing.)
(So, this is the job that I should do happily and gratefully!!)
(So, laugh, Seizaburo!!)

Souji: Kamiya!

Sei: Ah, Okita-sensei!
Great job for the patrol.

Souji: You're moving out again?
(Please go first)

Sei: Yes, I'm just taking my things from Kokuchou's resting house.

Souji: So. it's true
You have to do that job. . .

Sei: If you worry like that, I'll be feeling bad.

Souji: That's because, even if you only heard of little, you'd do many things.
In the end, you'd end up doing something that even wasn't being asked of.

Sei: Is that a complain?
It is the attendant's job, isn't it?

Souji: True, but . . .
If you could, please don't do any unnecessary thing.

Sei: I understand that much.
I'm just being asked to take care of Fukuchou's health.
Even more, he is in the 2nd far away place of the person that don't want to be involved with.

Souji: What do you mean by "2nd far away place"?

Sei: It means, the 3rd place lies far in the bottom.

Souji: Then, who is the first place?

Sei: Of course it's Itou-sanbou.

Souji: It really matches Hijikata-san.

Sei: Anyway, I'll work hard!
Because, I feel that Fukuchou is indeed weird and it's not an acting.
Maybe he's really feeling unwell.

Souji: . . .
(Precisely, because you thought so)
(That I became worried . . .)

Sei: Fukuchou
Kamiya has arrived with the luggage.

Hijikata: Oh, Kamiya
This way.
In any case, you'll be sleeping in Kokuchou's room.
I feel crowded with you.

Sei: yes. . .

Kondou: But, Toshi, it'll become inconvenient for Kamiya in an emergency situation in the middle of the night.

Hijikata: You only have to let slided the door open.
And Kondou-san is living with his mistress, so he won't be using the room.
It has never been let opened, hasn't it?

Kondou: That's true . . .
are really fine, aren't you?

Hijikata: What are you saying?
I'm now very healthy.
Kondou-san, you yourself just want to get rid of Kamiya to be lovey-dovey with Kou right?
But it's important not to get too tired.

Sei: (lowlife)
W. . .hat?!

Kondou: I am really worried about you . . . !!

Hijikata: Ha ha ha!
I'm just joking
I thank you, Kondou-san.
I never thought I would be accompanied by an attendant.
And even more, that person is Kamiya, it`s perfect.

Sei: Haa?!
Fukuchou, so your condition . . .?

Hijikata: Ha Ha Ha
Great, you've never at loss of words!

Sei: (What is this Fukuchou planning?)
(There's must be something!!)

Hijikata: Then, Kondou-san
I'll be borrowing Kamiya gratefully.

Kondou: Aah
please treat him well.


Kamiya: Fukuchou!


Hijikata: Hey?!
What are you doing?

Sei: Weird . . .
It's not fever . . .

Hijikata: I'M FINE!

Sei: If you're really fine
Then, you're hiding something, huh . . .

Hijikata: . . . alright, Kamiya
If you really want to stay within the troop safely
After this, stop doing anything you weren't ask for!
And don't think!
Just stay near me!!

Sei: Why don't you just ask me to die!!

Hijikata: Do you hate me that much, Kamiya?

Sei: Right on!!
(I blurted it out)

Hijikata: Great, well done!
Right now, I'll confirm it one more time!
You really
don't have this kind of hobby right?

[Hijikata's showing the photo of Sei and Souji]

Sei: ----------!!
Why . . . is that . . . ?!

Hijikata: I found it somewhere.
Souji said it's just some kind of joke.
But if it's really this well suited, it must be real.
You don't want it to be displayed to everyone, right?

Sei: Give it ba. . .

Hijikata: Naah
[taking the photo away]
Since you're going to be my attendant,
You might feel very bitter now and then.
Are you ready to endure it, Kamiya?

Sei: (He's threatening me!)
. . . in this situation I cannot be saying "no", right!

Hijikata: Fine,
then, whatever that'll happen after this,
don't ever fall in love with me

Sei: HAA?!

5 Kommentare:

ilovekazehikaru hat gesagt…

It's sad that there's no raw for vol 27 yet!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Yeah, if I'm not wrong, the last provider had decided not to share her raws anymore to support the manga and the author.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Thanks alot for the translation! Just by reading it I can imagine the manga :). It's so bad that we don't have the manga to put it in, but there's nothing we can do about it...In my nation KH was published to vol 25. Some kind person translated the 1st chapter of vol 26, that was all I have up to now :D. So I'm really happy I found this blog ^^

Anonym hat gesagt…

Dear. I 'd like share raw if u need. And in turn, could u continue summarising next chapter. In my country, it have been canceled since vol 25.
Contact me, thuyngo.seidyl@yahoo.com

Unknown hat gesagt…

Thanks for your offer,
but I have my own raws up to volume 27.
Though, the problem is it hasn't been cleaned... :(

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