"In my dream, I obtained something awesome..."
"Right after waking up, I looked after it."
"I didn't realize..."
"I didn't want to admit, it was only a dream."
"I'm certain, it exists."
"Only that feeling,"
"That make me suffer."
Our main protagonist, Eri, pleaded her Koucha Ouji, Rufna, to accompany her to a tea house. She had someone she likes, working there. A foreigner. Unfortunately, it was closed.
They went home, arguing with each other. Rufna reasoned to her, that he can only granted simple wishes. As such, he cannot make someone felt in love with her. Eri screamed back at him, saying that she only want Rufna to accompany her to the tea house, not to make the guy felt in love with her. Their argument was cut by Eri's mother, asking them to eat dinner downstair.
After eating dinner, in her bed, Eri asked Rufna, if he could change her appearance, making her prettier and skinnier. Which answered back by Rufna, that he couldn't do that.
The day after, in a way home, Eri pleaded Rufna again to go together with her to the tea house. Eri didn't dare to enter it and she didn't want to enter together with Rufna at risk of being thought as a loving couple. So Rufna entered the tea house alone.
Thinking that Eri turned out to have good taste at men, Rufna felt familiar with the stand owner. He recalled in his childhood, someone fixed his broken bracelet. And remembered the stand owner as Koucha ouji, Assam.
They wrestled a bit as Rufna tried to call Eri and Assam holding him back. Curious, Eri entered the tea house and being told by Rufna of Assam's real identity. Seeing Rufna holding Assam's shirt, Eri hit Rufna with a chair, causing him to be unconcious.
Rufna shrinked. Assam stated that he's very surprise someone remembers him. Eri introduced Rufna to him and asked if he really is a Koucha Ouji. In which, he answered that he was, but no longer. Assam recognised the uniform as it is from the same school that he and Taeko used to go. He asked Eri to came again sometime.
Rufna woke later at night and burst in anger into the bathroom, where Eri was changing her clothes. She reacted by throwing the washmaschine, or so Rufna has claimed.
Afterward, Rufna told her that Assam is a traitor. He proceed by giving her silence treatment.
Eri decided to let him be for a day, to cool his head. After school, Eri went to the tea house again. There, she met Haruka, who also noticed her uniform. After Haruka gone, Eri asked Assam about Rufna's claim.
She asked him, whether or not he know, why Rufna accused him as a traitor. Assam, quickly answered, yes, and asked Eri to bring Rufna with her the next time she come.
At home, Rufna apologised to Eri about his behaviour previously. Eri asked Rufna to tell her about the man she likes, Assam.
Meantime, while tidying up the tea house, Assam noticed that Eri had left her scarf.
Rufna proceeded to tell Eri,
Assam was very popular. Everyone regarded him like an older brother. They all liked him. But about a year ago in Koucha ouji kingdom (T/N: noted that the time ran differently from the normal world), suddenly he dissapeared. When he asked everyone, no one remembered him, claiming "there is no Koucha Ouji named Assam." Only he alone, who still remember him. Even though there's another who should be more familiar with Assam. Only he remembered him, despite only had talked once in childhood. He wondered, why a great Koucha Ouji as Assam could be forgotten. Whether he dissapeared as punishment of a crime or was he running away...
Long after that, he often dreams. About the time when Assam helped him repaired his bracelet, a gift from his sister.
No body remembers him...
He only appears in dream...
Rufna wondered if there is another Koucha Ouji like Assam....
He afraid to suffer the same fate as Assam.
The next afterschool, Eri tried to persuade Rufna to come with her to the tea house. Rufna refused stubbornly, claiming he doesn't want to meet Assam. Which was overheard by Assam, who was standing in front of the school gate.
Assam, while apologising, told them that he came to gave Eri the scarf that she left yesterday. Realising that Eri had went to the tea house the previous day. Rufna exploded in anger. He grabbed Assam's clothes and told him about his frustration, about how no one else beside him, remember about Assam. Rufna had thought that he himself was going crazy.
Assam responded that it was because of his choices. And in requirement is he being forgotten not forget. Being forgotten is hurt. So he was glad that there is still someone who remembers him. While he knew that by being the only one remembered about him, Rufna was also suffering.
Hearing it, Eri realised that Rufna must look up to Assam very much.
Holding Rufna's right hand, Assam recognised the bracelet. He remembered about Rufna, and asked about his sister.
Rufna answered, that his sister is fine, although she didn't remembered Assam anymore.
Suddenly, there's a little girl grabbing Eri's sweater. She ask, whether her father had made Rufna cry.
Assam, called her daughter, Anri, and lifted her. Rufna dumbfounded, while Eri broken heart.
Assam told Rufna, that he was not only suffering. He did all of that so that he could gain this, Assam proceed to ask Anri, the whereabout of her mother. Anri told him that while riding back in taxi, they saw Assam made someone to cry, so they stopped.
From a far, someone scream at Assam, asked him to helped her with the baggage. She then introduced herself as Assam's wife. (Of course it's Taeko)
Watching Assam's family from behind, Eri wondered whether the woman that Assam's chosen remembered about his past or not.
She asked Rufna, who was in tears, to comfort her broken heart. Which responded by him, that it's not the time.
Holding hand, Eri and Rufna went home.
Rufna noted that he is a weak man, which Eri agreed.
"Why is it, although I'm broken hearted."
"It doesn't feel too hurt."
1 Kommentar:
Thank you so much for your summary!!! I love the Koucha serie and they didn't publish the sequel in my country, so I had no ideal what will happened.
It's so funny that everybody in Koucha Ouji's world was just so much in love with Assam LOL even Haruka (maybe because he's a perfect housewife? LOL)
Please continue, I'm dying to see the rest.
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